Providing Gaming Events for our Local Community.

Our Mission is to empower our community through inclusive gaming, fostering connections, and celebrating shared passion for play at every skill level.

Unite our community with fun, friends, and fierce competition!

Let the games begin!

Sega Dreamcast with two controllers at level up gaming events

Game on, Together!

In the realm of gaming, we have the power to build bridges that transcend boundaries, to shatter stereotypes, and to create a world where everyone feels not just welcome but celebrated.

Gamers playing retro games at level up gaming events

interested in working with us?

Want us to bring the exciting world of gaming to you? Wether it’s a conference, party or even a wedding, we can bring our retro and modern gaming equipment to suit your needs and make it an unforgetable experience.

“We loved seeing both adults and children having fun together playing games, there was also a great variety of stalls on offer.”

— Kristian, Event Attendee

Video games aren't just about pixels and controllers.

It's a portal to extraordinary worlds, a canvas for creativity, and a bond that connects us across time zones and cultures.